Sonntag, 21. April 2013

Spring’s coming, but where does the split go?

Hello my dear
How are you? How is life going? Here in "cold" Finland slowly but surely summer rises. Temperatures between 5 and 9 degrees plus makes the Finns already run barefoot in sandals and T-shirts around. Former Snow Mountains turn into black split hills and there the question arises:
Where actually is the split going? And how does he come to where he's going?
The answer in my opinion is as simple as striking at the same time. It is collected. What makes sense appears to be used here in the winter with these amounts. This happens to a small sweeper, as they are known from various cities, but tractors and construction equipment are much more common in this country used with special vacuum equipment. This usually collects the split in a kind of tank to the suction. Is it fully, it is driven to collection centers where it is processed and stored. A very practical way of inserts, in my opinion. For the construction machinery and tractors are used in winter for snow removal and thus directly fulfilling several functions. This saves expensive material and is more environmental-friendly than salt.
In addition to the protection of the environment, the Finns seem to have also a thing for German brand quality. This can be seen due to the washers and dryers, but I have never noticed in Germany, the drying the laundry "cupboard dry" or "cupboard dry +". But you never stop learning and even at night by one o’clock. ;)
On our Sunday walk, we found again that the patch of Finland on which we live temporarily, has a lot to offer. Especially wonderful modern houses and postcards motives. Unfortunately we have discovered not one green leaf, but it can not last long. After the trees have buds. And just sitting 2 hours in the sun and enjoying the hard student life should be also granted to us.
By the way my packages had now arrived. I was happy as a lark. So thanks again to Laura and of course mom and dad, who even sent a second one, as the DHL has unfortunately failed to deliver the first package to Finland and it is still resting in FRANCE.
This should have been enough of me now.
Hug you.
Yours Jacques


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