Montag, 1. April 2013


5 days weekend, beautiful weather and plenty of time to live the student life. In addition to spring cleaning, tasks for University and party, in some student housings the flocks were inaugurated. With self-cooked foods. ;) And yes, we all are still alive. The beer-can pyramid takes slowly takes shape, and it is ensured that some party pictures will never leave Finland. ;) Of course the beautiful weather was not only assessed from the apartment. We also used it in the form of walks and "lying in the sun".
Further I noticed that not only my luggage had problems to find the way to Finland, also the DHL had their problems. My package has reached its destination since last Monday, according to DHL. It is in France. So I pretty quickly booked my return flight. ;)
Last Thursday, my roommate Julie moved out. She has only lived here for a month and left me a real luxury. Many thanks again for the pillow Julie! I must say, since I have this new pillow I sleep a lot better. :)
What is about your Easter? Did you celebrate?
I’m excited about your stories.
Hug you.
Yours Jacques.
PS: Oh, and Christian, sometime I get a picture of you quite sure you're on the completely visible and smiling. ;)

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