Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013

Is this a love story?

My semester abroad is coming to an end. Slowly I’m getting clear that in Germany the "old life" is waiting for me and that the moments I have experienced here are becoming memories.

Any way I made, to Laundry, to university, to the river, the lake, the road to Amarillo, the way to Lidl and K-market become more aware. 

Now, on the way to Helsinki, I am accompanied by the sun. The nature passes by the window. With forests that can actually be recognized as forest and lakes still so beautiful that you can hardly believe your eyes. 

Finland is wonderful. And not just because of the student discounts that you get anywhere here. Not because of the sockets and the Wi-Fi in the Finnish railways or simply that here everyone speaks English. These things sure wear in, but what makes Finland so beautiful cannot really be described.

It is the winter here with tons of snow and everyone still drives his car, it's the frozen rivers and lakes where you can go on for a walk. The temperatures rise constantly instead of doing a roller coaster ride. It is the nature that takes your breath.

In short, Finland cannot or at least very hardly be described. You have to experience it, to really understand what is so fascinating about.

Whether this is a declaration of love?

Yes! That's it.

Hug you.

Yours Jacques

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